Training, facilitation & group coaching.
Diversity & Inclusion for Effective Collaboration
Diversity & Inclusion for Effective Collaboration: To understand how our pasts shape how we experience our world today and create a platform to focus on acceptance, appreciation and trust amongst co-workers. The goal is to grow and succeed by promoting a culture of inclusion and the organisation becomes stronger because of its diversity, differences and collaborative richness. Conversations and practices around unconscious bias, supporting under-represented groups and creating a safe space for difficult conversations.
Productivity & Stress Management in Hybrid Systems: When there is no clear commute to work, or our dedicated workspace is very close to if not merged with personal or even public space, finding your flow of productivity can be difficult. Here we look at building better strategies and habits for hybrid workplace systems.
Productivity & Stress Management in Hybrid Systems
Wellness Days, Team Building & Goal Setting.
Wellness Days, Team Building & Goal Setting: With an integral approach and your needs in mind, we design Wellness Days, Team Building and Goal Setting workshops to support teams, small businesses or departments. We also collaborate with other coaches or practitioners to offer diversity in expertise in order to meet your desired outcomes.
Group Coaching & Conversation Facilitation: For small businesses, teams, departments, or a group of the employees in the same job role, we hold a space for a process of development through an integral curriculum designed to your needs over a handful of sessions. Similarly we can facilitate difficult conversations centred on a theme and agreeable objective(s).
Group Coaching / Facilitating difficult conversations between team members
Coaching Mindset for Management and Leaders
Coaching Mindset for Management and Leaders: Adopting a coaching mindset can shift a culture of performance to a culture of excellence. Here we build an understanding of what encourages excellence - connection and trust - and how we can shift this into meaningful action in management and leadership to produce a thriving employee cohort achieving the desired growth results.
Communication Strategies:
Communication moves business along and generates internal flow amongst departments and colleagues. In this session we facilitate learning on how techniques of active listening, mindfulness, breathing and others can transform the way we engage with clients, prospective customers and colleagues - whether it’s online, in-person or telephonically.
Communication Strategies & Building Strong Team Dynamics