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1-on-1 coaching involves a series of sessions where we begin by discussing at length the topic(s) you want to address with coaching, from which we begin to put together your individual development program. We will work with a range of activities both in-session and between sessions that you apply. These activities are offered with your desired outcomes and growth plan in mind, whether to generate awareness and insight or build specific capacities you need.
An initial minimum commitment of 6 sessions (3 months) is required.


With the combined experience in education, leadership and coaching, I run workshops, training, team building and facilitate team dialogues customisable for client needs and business demands.
Online or in person. 

Read more about my
training workshops.


Utilising the 9 years experience in a marketing career, which included management, recruitment, branding and continuous problem-solving and optimisation of operational flow between systems, processes and HR, I offer consulting to teams and organisations on projects requiring optimisation and flow.

My background and consulting experience is in the fields of marketing, education and coaching.

Get in touch with what you require and I can advise if and how I can be of service.


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